FastBridge provides both criteria (Benchmarks) as well as normative (Norms) data.
Criterion-referenced data: FastBridge offers criterion-referenced scores, commonly called Benchmark scores, for each academic measure. These "cut scores" are the criteria by which a student's earned score is categorized. Three categories exist Low Risk, Some Risk, and High Risk. This risk level appears in reports as the words or symbols: "Low Risk" (no exclamation points); "Some Risk" (one exclamation point - !) or "High Risk" (two exclamation points - !!). The symbol "!" appearing next to a score indicates that the score falls in the Some Risk range, while "!!" indicates the score falls in the high-risk range.
Norm-referenced data: FastBridge is also norm-referenced. A student's score is compared to the scores earned by his/her peers on a specified test at a specified time of year (e.g., Fall, Winter, or Spring Screening). These peer groups include students in the same classroom, students in the same grade level at the same school, students in the same grade level throughout the district, and all students in the same grade nationally (compiled from all FastBridge users).
Benchmarks and norms can be found by going to the Fastbridge Training and Resources tab > Benchmarks and Norms.