Trouble Logging In - Staff
- You need, but don’t have, an account on FastBridge.
- You have made too many attempts to log in, and are now locked out of your account.
- You have an account, but you don’t know your login credentials.
- Select Reset Password on our login page. Enter your email address and select Reset Password again. You will be sent a link to a page showing all usernames associated with your email. From there you can reset the password on all of your accounts.
Other Possible Solutions
- Passwords are case-sensitive, but usernames are not. Make sure you are using the correct case.
- Browsers remember prior entries. Make sure you re-type your login information into the appropriate fields.
- Still having trouble? Contact your district or school manager.
Trouble Logging In - Students
Access for students needs to be set up in the Manage Student Access page in FastBridge. There are two parts to this process. 1) Enable access by classroom. 2) Give students passwords. If a student or teacher is added to the roster after student access has been set up, you will need to go into Manage Student Access to complete the process for the new teacher(s) and student(s).
- Students can’t log in.
Possible Solutions
- Set up access in Manage Student Access for the desired assessment and classroom.
- Extend the end date in Manage Student Access, if the end date has passed.
- Remove the start and end times in Manage Student Access.
- Student can log in, but the screen says “No Assessments Available.”
Possible Solutions
- Add the desired assessment to the appropriate classroom in Manage Student Access.
- Students can only take screening assessments once per period, and the student has already taken the assessment for this period. Verify that the correct student took this assessment, or delete the score to retest.
- Students can't log in from Chromebooks.
- Logins work on other devices, but not on Chromebooks.
- Some students can log in on the device, but others can't.
Possible Solution
- Make sure that pop-ups are not blocked on the Chromebook.