The online assessments in FastBridge can be accessed for administration in three ways:
- From the teacher's login. This is the least preferred method, because other student's scores are visible from this view. It may be a necessary option, however, for teachers who don't know the group proctor login credentials. This would apply in cases where direct student logins have not been set up, when the teacher needs to closely monitor the student while taking the test, or when access is needed to a progress monitoring test not in the current week.
- From the student's login. This is the preferred method. Each student has their own user id and password and can log in directly to their own available tests. Student access must be set up in advance, and test administrators will need a list of student id's and passwords to assist students with logging in. Student Login Access can be set up by District Managers, School Managers, Specialists, and Group Proctors. For information on setting up student login access, see Setting Up Student Login Access
- From the group proctor login. The group proctor login is a single user id and password, that can be used to sign on from multiple machines at the same time. Intended for administering tests in a lab environment, when students don't have, or can't use their own logins. Group Proctor accounts have a number of benefits.
Benefits of a Group Proctor Account
- No scoring information is visible. Where scores would normally be seen, the assessments display one of four possible icons:
- A timer
indicates the test is ready to be taken.
- A green check mark
indicates the test has already been taken.
- A blue play button
indicates the test is in progress, but has not been completed yet.
- A gray circle with a line through it
indicates the test is not available.
- A single login and password can be assigned to multiple users.
- Test administrators don't need to keep track of multiple student logins.
Teachers and other staff can use the group proctor account in situations where they need to access the assessment, but don't want to see the student scores.
To set up a Group Proctor account, please see: Adding User Accounts.
For each individual student assessment, proctors need printable scripts that just include what they should say and when.