An aReading or aMath score with a flag next to it means that the standard error of measurement (SEM) for that score is larger than usual.
aMath flags
aReading flags
There are two flag colors, and they mean different things.
Red Flag
The SEM for the student’s score was larger than expected, and additional testing might be needed.
Black Flag
Additional testing was done, and the administration is completed. However, the SEM for the student's score does not meet expectations, and a precise score was not obtained.
Red flags will display first and either go away or become black after additional testing. A red flag will display next to the student’s score on the screening page whenever the score has an unexpected SEM. Based on the student’s response pattern with the difficulty level of items, the system was not able to get to a score that accurately reflects the current skill level. The student could have been distracted, unmotivated, or found the questions were too easy or too hard. There is a hover, when you put your mouse on the red flag on the screening page, which displays the following:
"The standard error of measurement is very large. In this instance, the assessment was either too easy or too hard. Allow the student to complete additional items on another day to get a more precise score."
Next Steps
When you see a red flag next to a student’s score, here are possible next steps.
- If you know that the score shown is an accurate indicator of the student’s current skills, one option is to ignore the flag. While ignoring the flag is an option, it is important to know that scores with red flags scores will not appear in some reports. Note that, in order for the score to appear in reports, you should opt to have the student complete additional testing, as explained below.
- If the score does not make sense in relation to other information you have about the student’s current skills, then additional testing can be done so the system can determine a more accurate score.
- To conduct additional testing, select one of the following options:
- Student login: The student can log into the FastBridge System and select aReading or aMath.
- Proctor login: You can also launch the additional items through a proctor account. Select the Screening tab and open the student’s class section for either aReading or aMath. Click on the currently displayed checkmark, or play button for the student.
FastBridge will present up to 30 additional questions for the student to answer. The total number presented will depend on the student’s answers, and the System will adjust item difficulty in relation to student performance. Once the student sees the Congratulations screen, close the assessment.
Understanding Updated Scores
- After the student completes the additional items, the new score will display on the screening page. If the new score falls within an expected standard error of measurement, the flag will go away, the score can be interpreted as valid, and it will appear in reports.
- If the SEM for the new score is still too big to meet expectations, the flag will change from red to black. The administration is completed; however, the SEM for the student's score does not meet expectations, and a precise score was not obtained. Scores with a black flag will appear in FastBridge reports, but users are encouraged to use additional sources of information when planning instruction for these students.
Viewing Reports
There are some limitations on what reports a flag score will display in.
Red Flag scores will display in:
- Group Screening Report
- Individual Skills Report
- Class List Report
Black Flag scores will display in:
- Group Screening Report
- Group Growth Report
- Individual Skills Report
- Class List Report
- Individual Benchmark Report
- Screening to Intervention Report
- Student at a Glance Report
- Impact Report
- Family Report
Flags are not visible on the Student Data Download Report, but student flag scores will impact the growth percentile.