CBMmath Automaticity is included as a required assessment for FASTtrack Math for grades 2 through 12. CBMmath Automaticity is a timed assessment of math facts. The content is aligned with the standards for mathematics in grades 1 through 3. The items include 1- and 2-digit math problems for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. There are three levels -- or forms -- for CBMmath Automaticity. Levels 1 and 2 cover selected operations and Level 3 includes all four basic operations.
FASTtrack Math
The Level 3 (L3) CBMmath Automaticity form is included in FASTtrack Math because mastery of basic operations is essential for all other math proficiency. Research shows that when students struggle with math in later grades, it is most often due to limited operations fluency. Within FASTtrack Math, CBMmath Automaticity provides data about students’ basic operations skills, and the Screening to Intervention for Math (s2i-M) includes details about which operations students need to learn when that is an identified need.
Additional Norms
Due to its original development to align with math instruction in grades 1 through 3, norms and benchmarks for CBMmath Automaticity originally existed for those grades only. With the launch of FASTtrack Math in the Fall of 2020, FastBridge developed norms for Grades 4 through 6. These grades were included because sufficient data from students in those grades were available in the national FastBridge database. These additional norms will be used to identify students’ math instruction needs in grades 4 through 12, with the spring of Grade 6 norms used for identifying the needs of students in Grades 7-12. Users can see the norms in the Benchmarks and Norms section of the Training & Resources tab in FastBridge.
A detailed technical report about the development of the additional CBMmath Automaticity norms can be found here.