When progress monitoring with CBMmath Automaticity, the progress monitoring report will display a graph and table of student performance. The graph displays each obtained score and the specific score value can be viewed by hovering over the data point or goal line. Under the main graph is a smaller graph that shows the number of student errors. The error graph displays a downward triangle if the student’s accuracy is below 95%.
Under the error graph there is a table that provides information about the student’s errors. The blue text in the second row of the table shows the group name and progress measure as well as the student’s weekly rate of improvement (ROI) goal and actual ROI so far. In the example below, the student’s total trend of 1.85 points gained per week is much higher than the goal trend of .82 points per week. There is a column that shows the dates for each progress assessment. This is followed by a column that shows the actual scores as well as a triangle or square. These symbols indicate whether the score is above, within, or below 10% of the goal.
below 10% of goal line |
within 10% of goal line |
above 10% of goal line |
The notes column will display any notes about student performance that the examiner entered. If the school or district manager enters the names of the specific interventions available and the team enters that information when the progress monitoring schedule is created, that information will appear in the Interventions column.