Note: Only District Managers have the ability to edit the list of available interventions.
A list of standard interventions is available in FastBridge; this list includes both FastBridge interventions and third-party intervention protocols and programs. The list appears when setting up interventions for progress monitoring, and when setting default interventions for the Screening to Intervention Report (under the Set Intervention Assignments menu). Interventions are listed by name to make tracking the interventions used more convenient.
FastBridge does not support or endorse any particular third-party interventions, and FastBridge does not provide or have access to materials for these third-party interventions. FastBridge does, however, provide materials for its own interventions, which are available within the Training & Resources tab of the FastBridge system. It is up to the district to determine which intervention products, programs, protocols, or strategies will be used with their students. Please see attached the list of interventions available to use for documentation in FastBridge.
To access the list of interventions, first, ensure that you are viewing the FastBridge system as a District Manager. Then, navigate to the Home tab on the horizontal menu. Next, select the Assessment Info option (1) on the vertical menu at the left. Finally, select the Intervention Procedure option (2) under the Assessment Info menu. You should then see a screen like the one pictured below.
You can filter the list by Assessment Type or by Status (3). At this time, the Assessment Types include Reading and Math, and the Status Type options are Enabled and Disabled. To enable an intervention, check the box in the Enabled column. To disable an intervention, click on the checked box in the Enabled column. Disabling an intervention removes it from the list of interventions presented to educators during the progress monitoring setup process.
Enabling interventions in FastBridge does not automatically create them in eduCLIMBER. Take a look at the eduCLIMBER Interventions Help Chapter, specifically:
Attached are PDFs of the Reading and Math Interventions already in FastBridge.
At the bottom of the list, you have the option to add your own interventions. Clicking the green plus sign adds a line for your custom intervention. After adding a name and description for the intervention, click the green checkmark to save it. Clicking the red x will remove it. As with the pre-existing interventions, you can enable/disable the intervention by selecting/clearing the box. To edit the name, description, or type of your intervention, click on the pencil next to it.
Your list of enabled interventions, including any custom interventions you've created, will appear in the list of procedures, when setting up interventions for progress monitor schedules.