This article lists and details the assessments that are currently available in the FastBridge product.
means the assessment is in Lab. These measures are substantially developed and validated, but require additional users to apply them in practice and provide feedback on how they might be refined, before they are fully adopted in FastBridge.
aReading(1-12) is a computer adaptive measure of broad reading ability individualized for each student. It provides a useful estimate of broad reading achievement from kindergarten through twelfth grade. The question and response format used in aReading is substantially similar to many state-wide, standardized assessments. It is a fully automated, simple, and efficient procedure. Browser-based software adapts and individualizes the assessment for each child so that it essentially functions at the child’s developmental and skill level. The adaptive nature of the test makes it more efficient and more precise than paper-and-pencil assessments.
AUTOreading(K-12) was developed in response to requests from professional educators, who asked for research on and development of fully automated decoding, word identification, and comprehension measures for use in screening and progress monitoring
CBMreading English(1-8) is an evidence-based assessment used to screen and monitor student progress in reading competency for grades 1-8. It uses easy, time-efficient assessment procedures to determine a student’s general reading ability across short intervals of time (i.e., weekly, monthly, or quarterly). Students read aloud for one minute from grade – or instructional -- level passages. The words read correctly per minute (WRCM) functions as a robust indicator of reading health and as a sensitive indicator of intervention effects.
CBMreading Spanish(1-5) is an evidence-based assessment used to screen and monitor student progress in reading competency for grades 1-5. It uses easy, time-efficient assessment procedures to determine a student’s general reading ability across short intervals of time (i.e., weekly, monthly, or quarterly). Students read aloud for one minute from grade – or instructional -- level passages. The words read correctly per minute (WRCM) functions as a robust indicator of reading health and as a sensitive indicator of intervention effects.
CBMcomp(1-8) is an optional add-on to CBMreading, which is used to measure student comprehension of the passage just read. It uses story retelling and a series of 10 questions about the passage to support screening and progress monitoring. When used at screening, it is used with the last passage only; for progress monitoring, it can be used with each passage. English version only.
COMPefficiency (2-8) measures the quality and efficiency of the comprehension processes that occur during reading, as well as the quality of comprehension left after reading. The processes that occur during reading include monitoring, self-regulation, and inferencing. These processes help construct a mental representation that integrates new information from the text and connects it with prior knowledge. The quality of reading comprehension is the mental representation that is left over after reading is done. Students are presented with questions during, and at the end of the passage.
earlyReading English (PK-1) is designed to assess both unified and component skills associated with kindergarten and first-grade reading achievement. It is intended to enable screening and progress monitoring across four domains (Concepts of Print, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, and Decoding). It provides domain-specific assessments of these component skills, as well as a general estimate of overall reading achievement.
earlyReading Spanish (K-1) is designed to assess both unified and component skills associated with kindergarten and first-grade reading achievement. It is intended to enable screening and progress monitoring across four domains (Concepts of Print, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, and Decoding). It provides domain-specific assessments of these component skills, as well as a general estimate of overall reading achievement.
earlyMath(K-1) is designed to screen and monitor early numeracy skills for students in kindergarten and first grade. Early numeracy skills are measured within three domains (number, relations and operations) and include: naming numerals, using the mental number line, counting with one-to-one correspondence, understanding the relation between numerals and quantities, composing and decomposing numbers, basic verbal fact fluency, an understanding of place value, and knowledge of symbols in story problems.
aMath(K-12)is a simple, efficient, computer adaptive measure of both broad and component math skills from kindergarten through eighth grade. It is designed to identify students with deficits in math achievement and predict performance on state accountability measures. Used for universal screening and instructional leveling, it provides skill-based diagnostic reports of strengths and weaknesses.
CBMmath Automaticity(1-3) evaluates the degree to which basic facts and operations are accurate and automatic (fluent). It consists of a General Outcome Measure (GOM) for each grade level and benchmarks for each screening period. It also has multiple and single-skill subtests, which can be used for further diagnostic purposes and progress monitoring. CBMmath Automaticity is taken online and includes skills typically taught in grades 1 through 3, however, CBMmath Automaticity can be used with students in ANY GRADE who are working to master math facts.
CBMmath Process(2-6) evaluates the degree to which the steps in a multi-step problem are completed with accuracy. It has a General Outcome Measure (GOM) for each grade level and benchmarks for each screening period. It has multiple and single-skill sub-tests, which can be used for further diagnostic purposes and progress monitoring. This assessment is administered via paper-pencil, and scores are manually entered into the computer. It includes skills typically taught in grades 2 through 6, however, CBMmath Process can be used with students in ANY GRADE who are working to master the procedures necessary to solve multi-step math problems.
CBMmath Automaticity and CBMmath Process make up the tools used to screen and monitor the computation process (automaticity and process).
CBMmath CAP(K-8) This online assessment measures a student's skills in applying math facts and procedures to number and word problems. Items are aligned with the Common Core State Standards for mathematics and include a broad range of item types at each level. For students who are working to master mathematics skills from earlier grades, off-grade progress monitoring is available for students in ANY GRADE.
Behavior and Development
devMilestones (PK-1) assesses student development in key areas relative to established milestones that correspond to expected functioning. Measured skills fall into the following domains: language, literacy, and communication; cognitive development; social and emotional development; creativity and the arts; approaches to learning; and physical and motor development. Teachers complete a brief rating assessment online, one for each student. devMilestones, intended for use across the kindergarten year, is still in L
SAEBRS-Teacher(K-12). SAEBRS was designed to be a brief and contextually relevant screener of student risk for emotional and behavioral problems. It is comprised of items relating to Social Behavior, Academic Behavior, and Emotional Behavior, which combined reflect General Behavior. Students are rated individually on the frequency of adaptive and maladaptive behaviors observed over the span of a month by a teacher who has a history of interactions with them. SAEBRS-Teacher can be used with students in kindergarten through grade twelve.
mySAEBRS-Student(2-12). mySAEBRS is the student complement to SAEBRS. Students are given the opportunity to rate themselves, using the same assessment questions that the teachers used in the SAEBRS assessment. Teacher ratings are based on their observations of student behavior, student ratings indicate how the student perceives their own performance. Student and Teacher responses are mapped in the same report, providing additional detail for evaluating student behavior and identifying strategies for intervention. mySAEBRS is recommended for students in grade 3 or older.
DBR (K-12) Direct Behavior Rating is a quick and efficient way to monitor student behavior, to track ongoing progress once interventions are implemented, and evaluate whether interventions have had an impact. It can be used to rate student behavior across classroom settings, grade levels, and time periods during the school day. Where devMilestones and SAEBRS are suitable for screening only, DBR is the progress monitoring tool for behavior.