While FastBridge does allow multiple school enrollments, for the best experience we recommend rostering students to only one school. We understand with virtual learning and other situations this is sometimes unavoidable. If you are unable to make changes in your SIS system or to your student roster, please be aware of the ramifications below.
Student scores can only be reported to one school. If a student is rostered to multiple schools, they will have a “Select Class” drop-down menu in the top left corner of their student login screen. The school selected in that drop-down menu is where the scores will be reported, meaning the scores will only show up when viewing reports for that school. This includes the teacher screening tab. The assessment will not show as completed if the student selected the other school in the drop-down menu. If a student that is rostered to multiple schools has completed an assessment and you are not seeing the score, please contact your District Manager and have them check the reports for the other school(s) before reaching out to FastBridge Support.
If an inactive building(s) is appearing in either student or staff lists, take a look at Deactivating School Buildings.
Luke is rostered to both FAST Elementary - East and FAST Elementary - North.
*With the current selection, Luke’s scores will be reported to FAST Elementary-East. To view Luke’s scores, you would need to view reports for FAST Elementary-East.
If a student completes an assessment for one school and then toggles to the other school in the “Choose Class” dropdown menu, the assessment will still show as available.
IMPORTANT: Do not have students complete assessments more than once.
Luke has completed FASTtrack Math for FAST Elementary - East
If Luke toggles down in “Choose Class”, the FASTtrack Math icon will still be available.
REMEMBER: Do not have students complete the assessments multiple times.
Viewing Scores for Students Rostered to Multiple Schools
Scores will only be visible when viewing reports for the school the student has selected in the “Choose Class” drop-down menu (Student At-A-Glance Report being the exception). The FastBridge Support Team can transfer scores, but will not be able to pick and choose which scores to transfer. We are only able to transfer all scores together as a group and move them to one school. Please send a ticket to FastBridge Support with the title “Score Transfer”, the student name, and the school you want all scores transferred to for that student.
Student At-A-Glance Report
Scores will be visible in the Student At-A-Glance report when viewing the report from either school. However, any local norms will only show up when viewing this report from the school where the scores are housed.
Progress Monitoring
If a student is rostered to multiple schools, please be mindful when creating progress monitoring schedules. The student will need to select the school the progress monitoring schedule created under, in order to see the progress monitoring assessment.
“P39 Jedi Automaticity” was created under “FAST Elementary - East”
Luke can access the Progress Monitoring assessment when FAST Elementary - East is selected in the “Choose Class” menu.
Luke will not see any Progress Monitoring assessments when FAST Elementary - North is selected in the “Choose Class” menu.