The earlyReading Spanish -- Sentence Reading subtest assesses a student’s ability to read individual sentences from a story that is accompanied by pictures. As a precursor to CBMreading Spanish, earlyReading Spanish -- Sentence Reading is distinct in two important ways. First, students read from text that is simple in structure. Second, the paragraphs are short, separated by page, and accompanied by pictures. earlyReading Spanish -- Sentence Reading is part of the Composite for the fall of grade 1.
Before administering the earlyReading Spanish -- Sentence Reading subtest be sure to download the student forms from the Training & Resources tab in the FastBridge website.
The student form looks like this:
To administer this assessment, log in to the FastBridge system as a teacher and select the Composite for fall of grade 1 or the SRs column from the earlyReading Spanish Screening page. Here is what the teacher sees when administering the earlyReading Spanish -- Sentence Reading subtest.
For more information about the earlyReading Spanish -- Sentence Reading subtest complete the online earlyReading Spanish course found in the Training & Resources section of the FastBridge website.