The earlyReading English - Sight Words-150 subtest assesses a student's ability to recognize up to 150 of the most frequent English words. The earlyReading English - Sight Words-150 subtest is distinct from the earlyReading English - Decodable Words subtest because many high-frequency words are not decodable, and students must recognize them with automaticity rather than by using decoding strategies. The earlyReading English - Sight Words-150 subtest is also available in Braille.
earlyReading English - Sight Word Reading-150 (SW-150)
The primary source that was used to develop this list of sight words comes from the work of Zeno et al. (1995). Although there are many sight word lists in use in schools, the Zeno et al. list is the most recently published. Other lists are much older and do not reflect current word usage. For example, the Dolch list was published in 1948 and the Fry list in 1980.
earlyReading English - Sight Words-150 is part of the Composite in the fall, winter, and spring of grade 1, and it can also be used for progress monitoring. FastBridge also offers another version of this subtest for kindergarten students which includes the first 50 most frequent words from the Zeno et al. (1995) list. Before administering the earlyReading English - Sight Words-150 subtest, be sure to download and print the student forms from the Training Resources tab in the FastBridge system.
- Select the Downloads tile under the Training Resources tab.
- Select Download Resources under earlyReading.
- Select the PDF icon under the SW(150) column, in the Administrator row.
Example student form looks like this:
Administer for Screening
- Log in to the FastBridge system as a teacher.
- Go to the Screening tab.
- Select the earlyReading assessment.
- Select the SW column from the earlyReading English Screening page.
Administer for Progress Monitoring:
To administer this
- Log into the FastBridge system as a teacher or a specialist.
- Go to the Progress Monitoring tab.
- Use the filters to find the correct group of students.
- Select Start for the desired student and choose a Form.
Example teacher view:
earlyReading English - Sight Words-150 subtest.
Training & Resources
For more information about the earlyReading English - Sight Words-150 subtest, complete the online earlyReading English course found in the Training & Resources section of the FastBridge system.
- Select the Training & Resources tab.
- Select earlyReading English course tile.
- Select Sight Words - 150 to begin.