This article provides an overview of the earlyReading - Word Segmenting assessment, guides users through administering the assessment as either screening or progress monitoring, and how to access additional training and resources for the assessment. The earlyReading English - Word Segmenting subtest is available in Braile.
The earlyReading English -- Word Segmenting subtest assesses a student’s ability to separate a spoken word into individual sounds, called phonemes. Phonemes are the smallest units of sound in spoken language. During the earlyReading English -- Word Segmenting subtest, the examiner reads a word aloud and asks the student to produce the sounds. earlyReading English -- Word Segmenting is part of the Composite in the winter and spring of kindergarten and the fall, winter, and spring of grade 1. It can also be used for progress monitoring, by default in grades K-1, and when enabled for use in grades 2-12 by a District or School Manager.
As part of FASTtrack Reading, a Word Segmenting score is provided on the Screening to Intervention Report (s2i-R), in the Phonemic Awareness column. Phonemic Awareness is included in the National Reading Panel Report (2000) and includes an understanding that there are individual sounds in words, and words can be split apart into their individual sounds. Phonemic Awareness is a foundational skill necessary for reading proficiency, and for this reason a predicted score on earlyReading English -- Word Segmenting is provided for each learner on the s2i-R based on aReading data. For students in kindergarten and grade 1, the listed score is the number of items correct on earlyReading English -- Word Segmenting. For students in grades 2 through 12, the listed score is an estimate of what score the student would obtain on the earlyReading English -- Word Segmenting subtest based on the student’s performance on phonemic awareness items on the aReading assessment.
Before administering the earlyReading English - Decodable Words subtest, be sure to download the student forms from the Training & Resources tab in the FastBridge system.
Training & Resources
Resources - Download Student Forms
- Select Training & Resources.
- Select Download resources under earlyReading.
- Select the PDF icon in the WS column in the Administrator row.
There are no student forms for this subtest.
- Select the Training & Resources tab.
- Select the earlyReading English course tile.
- Select Word Segmenting from the left side menu.
Users must complete Lessons 1 through 8 in order to certify in the earlyReading English - Word Segmenting subtest.
Administer the Assessment
Universal Screener
Log in to the FastBridge system as a teacher.
Go to the Screening tab.
Select the earlyReading assessment.
Select the WS column from the earlyReading English Screening page.
Progress Monitor
Log into the FastBridge system as a teacher or a specialist.
Go to the Progress Monitoring tab.
Use the filters to find the correct assessment group of students.
Select Start for the desired student and choose a Form.
Here is what the teacher sees when administering the earlyReading English - Word Segmenting subtest:
The words the examiner needs to read aloud are in the Word column, and the correct answers are in the Student Response column. To learn about scoring and discontinue rules for the earlyReading English -- Word Segmenting subtest, complete the online certification course found in the Training & Resources tab within the FastBridge system.