TK = Text-Based Knowledge
EK = Elaborative-Inferential Knowledge
IE = Initiating Event
G = Goal or Sub-goal
A = Action or Attempt
O = Outcome
R = Reaction
S = Setting
Items Type: Numbers are the individual parts of the story that are recalled by the student (top portion). Letters are synthesis recall (bottom portion) items that are usually populated based on the student's recall from the top.
Combined types below are when a statement can represent the instantiation of a new goal and an action or outcome related to the same or different goal.
GA = Goal & Action combined
OG = Outcome & Goal combined
GO = Goal & Outcome combined
IEG = Initiating Event & Goal
OA = Outcome & Action Combined
GR = Goal and Reaction
AR = Action & Reaction
IES = Initiating Event & Setting
GOA = Goal, Outcome & Action
OR = Outcome & Reaction
IESA = Initiating Event & Setting and Action
OS = Outcome & Setting
GS = Goal & Setting