The Individual Benchmark Report is a historical report that displays a graph with screening scores across screening periods and up to three year's of historical data. This reports displays student's growth over extended periods of time allowing users to compare them to the benchmark. This article guides users through accessing and interpreting the report.
Access the Individual Benchmark Report
By Class/Grade
- Go to Reporting Tab.
- Select Individual Benchmark Report.
By Student(s)
- Select the Screeening Tab
- Select All Assessments
- Select Individual Benchmark Report button to view the report for all students.
Select the box next to the student name(s, then selct the Individual Benchmark Report button.
Interpret the Individual Benchmark Report
- Student Information
- Name
- Year (this report shows up to three years of historical data)
- School
- Grade
- Teacher
- Graph Options
- Interval Type: Choose monthly or weekly- Default is mentioned below
- aReading and aMath we suggest monthly
- All other assessments we suggest weekly
- National Percentile Line: Select a growth percentile line to see the scores on the graph for that percentile throughout the year.
- Interval Type: Choose monthly or weekly- Default is mentioned below
- Student name and graph.
- Risk level legend - each range of risk level is displayed on the graph.
- Student scores for each screening period, are colored based on their risk level.
- Monthly Growth - Fall-Winter and Fall-Spring - This number is an amount per month or week based on the scoring system used for the assessment. The default is underlined below, this is based on sensitivity and the best use of growth data. Remember, the interval type can be changed with the drop-down at the top of the page.
- CBM Reading- words correct per minute per month or week
- aReading and aMath- points per month or week
- earlyReading and earlyMath- Composite points per month or week
- Benchmark cut-offs for reference.
- Local and National Percentiles for the respective screening periods.
- Local and National Growth Percentiles for the respective screening periods:
- National- compared to all students
- National by start score- growth compared to other students national that had the same fall percentile
- Percentiles Legend - this will remain at the bottom of the screen as you scroll through the list of students