To assist teachers with understanding their students’ aReading scores, the attached interpretation guide organizes score information by score ranges, skill categories, and skill descriptions with accompanying instructional recommendations. Starting in the 2018-2019 school year the aReading reports will provide skills information based on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). In the online reports and in this guide, all score ranges include skill information for one or more of the following categories:
- Foundational Skills: Includes skills related to mastery of the concepts of print, alphabetic principles, and other basic conventions of the English writing system.
- Informational Reading: Includes skills related to understanding and responding to content area texts (i.e., non-fiction).
- Language: Includes skills related to listening and speaking in English.
- Reading Literature: Includes skills related to understanding and responding to literary texts (i.e., fiction).
Understanding aReading Scores: Individual Skills Report
The FastBridge Report that provides the most detail about which specific skills a student needs to improve is the Individual Skills Report. For aReading, this report displays a student's skills to indicate three levels of learning:
- Mastered: Skills that the student knows well and can use independently.
- Developing: Skills that the student needs to work on now.
- Future: Skills to learn once the developing skills are mastered.
FastBridge recommends that teachers focus on teaching and supporting students to master the Developing Skills for each of the CCSS categories.
aReading Score Interpretation Guide
The attached Score Guide lists the aReading scores according to bands of 50 points, starting at 350 and ending at 750. Each score band lists the skill categories included, descriptions of the skills, and instructional recommendations to teach each skill.