This processs does not apply to organizations using SSO.
Unless you have been given a password by your school or district manager, you need to request a password before you can log into FastBridge. To request a password, go to our website: and click the LOG IN button. This will open up the login page.
On the login page, click REQUEST PASSWORD?
On the request password page, enter the email address associated with your account and click REQUEST PASSWORD.
This will send you an email with a link for creating a new password. Enter your new password (both places), and click Submit.
Once you receive confirmation that your password was accepted, you can return to the login page to enter FastBridge.
Having Trouble? Common problems:
- You are not using the same email address that is associated with your account in FastBridge.
- Solution: Try a different school email address.
- Your email address is in FastBridge, but your account has not been enabled.
- Solution: Contact your School or District Manager.
If you continue to have problems, please contact your School or District Manager. Your School or District Manager can reset your password, which will enable you to log in directly.
Once you are logged in to FastBridge, you can change your password by going to 'Manage' > 'Change Password' or 'My Password'