For an overview of the Group Growth Report, go to Group Growth Report for Managers, (District/School Manager View) or Group Growth Report by Class (Specialist or Teacher Views).
To get to the school level, click on a school name. To expand the report to include the columns you see below, click on the little box next to the red arrow on the right.
At the school level, columns show median growth per grade. Note that we are now looking at the median score, not the median percentile. At the grade level, a median score becomes meaningful. We still don't have data in the Growth mini graph. At the school level, there is only one median growth rate per grade, so there is nothing to distribute yet.
GRADE LEVEL / Teacher View
At this point, the Managers' report becomes similar to the Teachers' report. Explain the 50th percentile in the observed growth column, when students are missing an end date. Explain any hover-over texts, that are unclear.