The article guides users through the different options when managing user accounts
If you are using Clever, Illuminate, or a OneRoster API for roster automation, do NOT manually create new accounts.
Where to Start
- View or manage an account from the District Manager or School Manager tab
- Select Add Staff or Manage Staff and select the account type of the account that needs to be managed.
Master Account Administrator accounts are created and managed by FastBridge School Support. If you need to add or change these accounts please contact support.
District Managers can be created and managed by the Master Account Administrator.
District Managers can create and manage all other account types: School Manager, Specialist, Group Proctor, and Classroom User. School Managers can create and manage Specialist, Group Proctor and Classroom User accounts for their school.
General (applicable to all account types)
- Use the Search box to find a specific staff member. The search looks at all columns. Staff information will appear below the column headers; select the column header to sort by that particular column.
- Use the toggle to Include Staff with no School Assignments if applicable.
- To disable an account, toggle Login Enabled.
- To edit a field, go to the three-dot menu and select Edit User. This opens a window where you can edit the entry. Click SAVE to confirm the changes. Reset Password is also available under the three-dot menu. This is a temporary solution for users who have forgotten their password, or for you to be able to get in and troubleshoot an account. For more information on resetting passwords, see Resetting a User's Password.
School Manager (District Managers only)
School Managers can only be assigned to one school. If an individual needs School Manager access to multiple schools, they will need multiple accounts. Only First name, Last name, User Id, and E-mail can be edited.
If you need to change the school you have assigned to a School Manager account, you will need to deprecate the current account and create a new School Manager account for the user. For more information on how to deprecate an account, see Deactivate a User Account (Remove a User from the System).
Specialists can be assigned to more than one school. If there is a number in the School(s) column, this indicates the number of schools the user is assigned to. Clicking on the number opens a window to display which schools the user is assigned to:
Use the toggles to add and remove Schools as needed. Click SAVE to update the user. School Managers can only select/clear their own school.
You can also edit the First name, Last name, User Id, and E-mail. via the three-dot menu.
Group Proctor:
Group Proctor accounts are edited in the same manner as Specialist accounts; however, Group Proctors have one additional field: Administer PM. Enabling this field allows the group proctor account to access and administer progress monitoring tests. When this field is disabled, the group proctor account can only be used for screening.
Classroom User
You can't edit the Schools that show up for a Classroom User account. These are generated when the account is created and when a teacher is linked to a school in the roster. Once a school exists on a Classroom User account, it can not be removed. You can, however, edit the First name, Last name, User Id, and E-mail fields. Classroom Users have two additional fields. Local Id is the unique identifier for Classroom Users and corresponds to Teacher Id on the roster upload. This is usually the teacher's employee number or unique identifier within the district's Student Information System (SIS). This field must match the Teacher Id field on a roster upload, or the upload generates an error.
Classroom User accounts also have an option for Grade-wide Access. Enabling this option gives Classroom Users the ability to run reports that include the whole grade (not just their classroom). Other users, such as managers and specialists, need to be in the view of a teacher with grade-wide access, in order to view grade-wide reports.
Each user account must have a unique user id. The roster upload creates Classroom User accounts using the email addresses provided for the teachers. If you are creating an additional account for a user who already has or will have, a classroom user account, do not use their email address as the user id. If you run into a conflict with the user IDs, you can edit the existing user id. You do not need to create a new account.