The Group Screening Report offers different views for users, depending on their login type and role. These features were updated in December 2020 to provide additional views for District Managers, School Managers, and Specialists. These enhancements include additional graphs, depictions of student data, and longitudinal (multi-year) views. An important feature of the updates to the Manager and Specialist views of the Group Screening Report is that it now shows district-wide grade-level graphs and data. Here is an example of the updated report for a district manager.
Users can switch back to the Classic View of this report using the button on the top right of the report window. Similarly, they can switch back to the updated view using the Updated View button.
The box in the top right for each group will display No data to compare if there is no data for any of the selected intervals. In order to see the group’s score difference be sure to select intervals with complete data.
Sorting Menus
The top of the updated report displays menus that leaders can use to sort student data. These include:
- Demographics
- Type
- Interval(s)
- Report View
- Grades
- Data View
- Color Coding
Updated Report Features
The updated report can display bar graphs, data tables, or both. The bar graphs depict the percentages of students scoring within the selected benchmark or normative categories. Here are examples of bar graphs for the benchmark and normative district summary views.
Benchmark Colors Norms Colors
The other graphs on the report will be determined by the selections in the top menus. The two primary ways to view the data are by grade level or school. For example, here is a view that shows aggregated data for all students in each grade level across the district.
Users can get more detail about each group displayed by hovering over the percentage bars for each interval. A pop-up menu will display the percentage and number of students in each category as well as the total percentage and number of students who have completed the screening.
Data Summary Table
The data summary table displays all of the values represented in the bar graphs. The table shows the following data:
- Groups of students
- Benchmark or norms categories
- Percentages and numbers of students by group
- Percentages and numbers of students with score changes during the selected interval
Drilling Down to See Grade, School, Teacher, and Student Data
As with the Classic View of this report, Managers and Specialists can “drill down” to see more details about student performance. To do this in the Updated View, the user selects a school or grade level to view. The default view displays all the grades in the district:
Alternatively, the data can be sorted by school first:
From the school view, individual grades in that school can be viewed. Here are some of the grades in the school:
From there, by selecting a grade, the teachers in the grade are displayed.
Finally, leaders can display data for each student in one teacher’s class. In this view, there is a summary graph using benchmark colors of all the students in the class as well as individual graphs for each student using normative colors that depict the percentile rankings of student scores.
Remember that this is how the Group Screening Report functions in the Updated View. To learn about how this report functions in the Classic View, check out this article.