This article outlines the four different pathways students can use to login. These pathways include: directly via FastBridge, indirectly via DnA, indirectly via Clever, and indirectly via SAML SSO.
Logging In
Logging in Directly via FastBridge
Before students can log in to FastBridge directly, individual student login access must be established. While student accounts are automatically created when rosters are uploaded or synced to FastBridge, District Managers, School Managers, Specialists, and/or Group Proctors will need to generate passwords for students and provide them with their login credentials. For more information about managing student login access, see Setting Up Student Login Access.
- Students navigate to the FastBridge system located at
- Enter the student username and password.
- Select Log In.
Logging In Indirectly via DnA
If a district uses both DnA and FastBridge, students will access FastBridge via DnA. This is the only way to access FastBridge; districts set up their rosters in DnA, and then those rosters are pushed over to FastBridge.
- Students log in to DnA from their district URL:
- Enter the student username and password.
- Select Login.
- Select Continue To Portal.
- Select FastBridge Learning from the left side menu.
Logging in Indirectly via Clever
If a district rosters to FastBridge using Clever, students will access FastBridge via Clever. This is the only way for students to access FastBridge; districts set up their rosters in Clever, and then those rosters are pushed over to FastBridge. Students begin by logging into Clever from their district's URL or using their Clever Badge.
- Enter the student username and password.
- Select Login.
- Select the FasBridge logo.
Logging in Indirectly via SAML SSO
This example references SAML SSO for ClassLink. Therefore, depending on the interface utilized, the student's screens may appear different than the screenshots below, depending on the platform utilized by the district.
- Enter the student username and password.
- Select Sign In.
- Select the FastBridge Icon.
After Students Have Logged In
- Selecting the blue Screening cloud will take the student to their screening assessments.
- Selecting the orange Progress Monitoring star will take the student to their progress monitoring assessments. Only students who have active progress monitoring plans will have this option.
Only computer-based assessments, (aReading, aMath, AUTOreading, CBMmath Automaticity, CBMmath CAP, and mySAEBRS) can be accessed directly by students.
In the above example, the district has enabled FASTtrack Reading. When a district has enabled FASTtrack Reading and/or FASTtrack Math, those assessment icons appear along with the blue More Tests button. Once a student has completed all of the FASTtrack Reading or FASTtrack Math assessments, those icons will disappear until the next screening window opens.
More Tests
If a student needs to complete assessments outside of FASTtrack, they must select the blue More Tests button. Doing so will display all of the FastBridge assessments that have been activated for their use.
The students will then select the assessment icon for the assigned measure. There are audio directions for all computer-based FastBridge assessments, and students will follow the directions to complete the assessment.
FastBridge screening assessments can only be taken one time per screening period, and once an assessment is complete, the icon will disappear until the next screening window opens.
CBMmath Automaticity and CBMmath CAP
CBMmath Automaticity and CBMmath CAP are available at multiple levels. After the student selects the CBMmath Automaticity or CBMmath CAP icon, they will come to a screen which looks like the one above. The student will then need to select the appropriate level and subtest based on the test administrator's instructions. As students complete various subtests, those options disappear until the next screening window opens.
For AUTOreading, students will not see multiple levels, but they will see multiple subtests, as shown in the image above. The student will need to select the appropriate subtest based on the test administrator's instructions. As students complete various subtests, those options disappear until the next screening window opens.
Progress Monitoring
If a student selects the progress monitoring option, they will be taken to the assessments assigned by the teacher. If a student has more than one active progress monitoring plan, they will need to select the appropriate assessment icon based on the test administrator's instructions.
Online Progress Monitoring assessments are only available to students during the assigned weeks that were established when the progress monitoring schedule was created. Once the measure has been completed for an assigned week, or if the week has passed, the measure is no longer visible to the student.
In cases where a student needs to make up a missed progress monitoring assessment, FastBridge recommends utilizing a Group Proctor account or administering under close supervision from a Teacher or Specialist account.