Note: Student Login Access and Student Passwords need to be set in order for students to log in directly.
Student Login Access
What is the IP Address field for?
The IP Address field allows you to limit the IP address from which the assessment can be taken. By entering the IP address of the school, the students will only be able to access the assessment from a school computer.
Our school has multiple IP addresses the students may be using during assessments, can I just enter them all?
This field only works with a singular IP address. If you wish to limit the assessments by IP address, we suggest you enter the individual IP address of the classroom or lab where the assessments will be taken.
Do I have to put in an IP Address or Start and End Times?
No, the only fields that are mandatory are which assessments they can have access to, and the Start and End Dates for when they can access them.
I clicked Check All on the Student Login Access page, yet some students still can't log in?
The Check All feature applies to the entries you are currently viewing. If you are filtering by school, grade, or teacher, only those results will be changed.
Why aren't earlyReading, earlyMath, CBM Reading and CBM Math Process available as options?
These assessments need to be administered by a facilitator or are taken on paper. Students can not take these assessments independently on the computer.
When the student logs in, it says " No tests are available".
This could be happening for multiple reasons.
- The student has already taken the available tests for this period.
- Student Login Access has not been set up for the appropriate classroom(s).
- The Start Date or End Date in Student Login Access does not include the current date.
- Remove the Start and End Times in Student Login Access. Some systems have trouble reconciling the clock.
- The screening period has not opened yet, either district-wide or for that particular grade and school.
For information on Student Login Access, see Setting Up Student Login Access.
For information on Screening Periods, see Managing Screening Periods.
If a student receives the message “No active enrollments found” and you have confirmed that the student is on your active FastBridge roster, you will likely need to update the access dates selected and saved in Student Info>Manage Student Access.
Setting Up Student Logins explains how to manage those settings. Configuring student logins is completed in the 'Manage Student Access' or 'Student Login Access' page. The assessments and dates MUST be set up. Please keep in mind the assessments and dates for all teachers and classes the student is rostered to will need to be the same.
Student Passwords
Can I change the student's user ID?
Yes, student logins can be changed one at a time.
Can I upload a list of student passwords to the system so they don't have to be entered by hand?
FastBridge does not currently have the functionality for uploading student passwords. If you need specific passwords for each student, they will have to be entered manually. You can have the system generate random passwords for each student, or you can set one password for all students.
I've typed in the password for a student but it doesn't save.
The password field on the main grid page is for display only. To set and save password, you need to click on the pencil icon next to the field.
I clicked Check All and created passwords, but it did not make a password for everybody?
The Check All feature applies to the entries you are currently viewing. If you are filtering by school, grade, or teacher, only those results will be changed.
For information on Student Passwords, see Managing Student Login Access.