FastBridge District Manager (DM) accounts are the only type that have the full functionality to troubleshoot all possibilities with missing scores. If you do not have a DM account, please contact one of your district managers for assistance.
Note: Scores do not transfer between districts in FastBridge but they do transfer between districts in Iowa's MTSS data system, Student Success.
Troubleshooting Missing Scores
1. Confirm that the student is visible in FastBridge and only the score is missing. If the student is missing, use instructions in Iowa: Troubleshooting Rosters and Student Demographics to troubleshoot the missing student.
2. For Computer Adaptive Tests (aReading/aMath), view the student and assessment on the Screening tab to ensure the assessment isn't showing as flagged or paused.
3. On the Reports tab, download the report titled: DATA DOWNLOAD for the desired assessment in FastBridge. Select ALL buildings on the list when running the report to ensure you can locate the score, if it’s under the incorrect building.
4. Open file in Excel and filter to student name (Data > Filter at the top is the easiest).
5. Review filtered results:
- If the student has two lines on the report, that’s an indicator that something changed in the current school year, generally the student's state ID or the student's name. Check the line that displays the score for the following:
- Building name
- State id - compare the two lines and they will likely have different state IDs.
- Grade level - scores collected at different grade levels cannot be transferred.
- If there is no score visible on the report, there is no score available in the database. This may mean that the student's score was deleted by someone in the district or that the student was screened under the wrong name. In the case of assessments accessed under the student login, it may mean that the student was on the wrong FastBridge site.
- When students are accessing an incorrect URL for FastBridge testing, it is usually because they or the teacher used a link that was found on google. If you look at the student's browser history for the URLs accessed, it will likely show they were at, which is FastBridge's quality testing environment and not the live site. Students must log into FastBridge using (no "QA-" at the beginning). There is no need to submit a ticket, there is no resolution for screening on the wrong site. The student will need to be re-assessed.
- When students are accessing an incorrect URL for FastBridge testing, it is usually because they or the teacher used a link that was found on google. If you look at the student's browser history for the URLs accessed, it will likely show they were at, which is FastBridge's quality testing environment and not the live site. Students must log into FastBridge using (no "QA-" at the beginning). There is no need to submit a ticket, there is no resolution for screening on the wrong site. The student will need to be re-assessed.
6. If the student's situation doesn't fit any of those above OR if the student has had a state ID or name change, submit a FastBridge support ticket with the following information:
- Student first and last name as it appears in your student information system
- State id
- Assessment(s)
- Correction to be made:
- If the score is under an incorrect building name, provide the name of the building to transfer from and the building to transfer to.
- If the state id is different, check with your district’s SRI data person to confirm which of the ids is correct for state reporting and provide that information.
7. Share the student’s scores with district/building staff who need it for decision making until the correction is made in FastBridge. If the score is missing because it was collected under the incorrect building, it is still available on some reports such as the student at-a-glance.
Common causes of missing scores and how to avoid them
Score showing with the incorrect building:
Potential Cause #1
- The most common cause is when a student has enrollments at multiple buildings at the time of screening. This may be intentional or the result of an orphaned school enrollment record, which is a record deleted from your student information system rather than ended with a date. This is most frequent in the Fall but may happen anytime.
To avoid this -
- Use exit dates on school defunct enrollments to ensure an update is sent to FastBridge, even if the student didn’t actually attend one of the buildings.
- Prompt students to look for a drop-down menu to select the correct building, when logging in to take the assessment. Most students will not see a drop-down and that's good! It's only present if the student is enrolled in more than one building in FastBridge (intentional or due to an issue) at the time of testing
Potential Cause #2
- The second most frequent cause is non-consecutive school enrollment exit/start dates in your student information system, when a student transfers from one building to another in the district. The score transfer auto process is dependent upon consecutive dates.
To avoid this -
- Use consecutive exit/entry dates on school enrollment changes in your student information system.
Score showing with different state id
Potential Cause
- State id changed in student information system. FastBridge uses the state id as the main element for student identification and all data is connected to that state id. When the student’s information with a different state id is received, FastBridge treats it like a new student and creates a new record in FastBridge. The student’s previous data remains attached to the record with the previous state id.
To avoid this -
- It can’t really be completely avoided. However, if it’s possible for your district SRI and student information system managers to send notification to your FastBridge District Managers when a state id is changed in your SIS, a ticket can be submitted quicker for resolution.
Still need help?
Follow your district's plan for support, usually by contacting your FastBridge District Manager. If your district doesn't have a plan, submit a support request in FastBridge. Don't forget to include specific details such as the name of the building, grade level, teacher, assessment and the student(s) first and last names. Do not use the chat feature or phone support number through FastBridge, as your Iowa support team is not available via those methods.