The FastBridge To-Do List recommends timely actions and tasks based on best practices for implementing a successful Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) program. The To-Do list is visible to all users, and each role will receive recommended actions and tasks that are relevant to them. To-Do tasks are also provided in a timely manner and are based on the default district screening dates. Each item includes links to relevant Knowledge Base articles and helpful resources. The To-Do list displays on the home page, where users can view upcoming items and check items off once they are complete. Users can also view and manage the full list from the new To-Do List page. Lists are designed so that users can click to check off tasks once they are completed.
To-Do List
- To-Do List items include links to helpful Knowledge Base articles or resources.
- 5 most current, non-completed items display on the home page.
- The To-Do list is visible to all users.
- Each role has To-Do list items that are specific to their role.
- Item start dates and due dates are customized, based on default district screening dates.
- Past due items are marked as DUE.
- Users will receive a notification when they have one or more past due items.
- When an item is marked as complete, it is removed from the home page.
- The new To-Do List page, available from the left navigation, provides more detailed access to all To-Do items.
- Completed items display on the full To-Do List page, and can be unchecked if needed.