The Screening to Intervention Report for Reading (s2i-R) includes recommendations for specific reading instruction based on students’ scores. The assessments required for s2i-R are part of the FASTtrack Reading feature and found in the Screening tab. By administering a combination of specific and broad reading measures, educators can use the s2i-R to gain insight into recommended reading instruction for the entire grade level, class, and for individual learners. The s2i-R organizes students’ reading instruction needs according to three main skill areas:
- Phonemic Awareness: Understanding and use of the individual sounds (phonemes) in words
- Phonics and Fluency: Mastery of sound-symbol correspondence and the accurate and automatic recognition of words while reading
- General Reading: Integration and use of phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension while reading in order to understand text
These recommendations are organized into a series of Instruction Plans that include information on which skills to cover and specific interventions in each area that can be used to supplement universal reading instruction. It is important to note that the Instruction Plans and FastBridge reading interventions are NOT designed to replace core reading instruction or effective reading interventions already in place in a school. These Plans and interventions are intended to provide teachers with guidance about what skills students need to learn and the types of instruction likely to help meet those needs.
Locating Instruction Plans
The reading Instruction Plans are referenced and automatically linked in two places in each s2i-R report.
In the top section of the report, there is a Whole Group Recommendation that indicates what area of instruction will benefit the entire grade level or class (depending on how the report is generated).
The specific plan number and title will be shown with a brief definition. Under the definition is a blue arrow with the text “Go to plan.” To open and view the plan, click on that hyperlink.
Instruction Plans as well as the interventions likely to benefit individual students are shown in the lower part of the s2i-R where individual student information is found. There are columns for Plan and Intervention.
The Instruction Plans are numbered from 0.0 through 12.3 and reflect the continuum of reading skills beginning in kindergarten and continuing through high school. Each plan includes information and guidance about the Phonemic Awareness, Phonics and Fluency, and General Reading skills related to that level of reading development.
In addition to the plan numbers, there are designations for plans that require special attention as well as students who are making expected progress.
- On Track
On Track indicates that the student is making expected progress and should continue with the core instruction.
INTENSE refers to a need for intensive intervention in order for the student to catch up to the learning goals. Intensive intervention includes more minutes per day and includes direct and systematic instruction of the target skills. More information is included in the linked plan.
UNUSUAL indicates that the student’s overall reading skills are uneven, with strengths in some areas but a very significant deficit in a specific skill. In such cases, the student might need individual instruction or practice to master using the skills. More information is included in the linked plan.
All of the reading Instruction Plans can also be found in the Training & Resources tab in FastBridge. Select INTERVENTION & INSTRUCTION from the submenu.
This will move the screen to the following options:
Click on the Reading: Whole Group or Reading: Small Group to view all of the reading Instruction Plans.
Instruction Plan Components
All of the reading Instruction Plans have 8 components. This format is used for both the Whole Group and Small Group plans.
By clicking on the numbered item, details about that section will be displayed.
The Plan – provides a brief description of the skills covered
- UNUSUAL Plans – Explains the unique reason for such plans
- INTENSE Plans – Explains the rationale for such plans
- Specific Plan – Phonemic Awareness shows the continuum of Phonemic Awareness skills and gives a link to download the plan
- Specific Plan – Phonics & Fluency shows the continuum of Phonics and Fluency skills and gives a link to download the plan
- Specific Plan – Vocabulary & Comprehension shows the continuum of Vocabulary and Comprehension skills and gives a link to download the plan
- Opportunities for Deeper Learning -- A link to submit suggestions for improving this Instruction Plan
- Resources -- A listing of research articles related to the Instruction Plans
Each of the of the downloadable Instruction Plans includes information about the needs for students who are at Emerging, Developing, and Advanced stages with the specific skills. The following graphic shows a continuum of Phonemic Awareness skills.
Each of the plans also includes guidance about what types of reading intervention are best in relation to emerging, developing, and advanced skill levels as well as how much time during daily lessons to devote to each skill area. Here is an example:
Each of the interventions listed can be accessed in the Training & Intervention Resources section of FastBridge. Here are the reading intervention topics: