FastBridge now includes braille support to provide blind and visually impaired students with similar testing opportunities as their sighted peers. Braille measures are transcribed and included in FastBridge as downloadable BRF files for use with a braille embosser. All forms of the measures listed are available in braille to support both universal screening and progress monitoring.
Please note that FastBridge assessment norms were not established with braille accommodations in place, so results should be understood within that context.
Selecting Which Assessments to Convert
The selection of which assessments to convert to braille was determined through careful examination of each subtest or test. Specifically, the properties and task demands of each assessment were considered in relation to whether braille conversion would substantially change the task in ways inconsistent with the original task designs. In general, assessments with letters, words, and numbers could be read in braille form and yield answers on par with the visual forms converted. Those assessments with pictures or other graphics were not converted because braille forms are not available, or the braille version would include a fundamentally different task, were not converted. The braille forms are found in the Training and Downloads section of the FastBridge website.
Assessments Available in Braille
- Word Blending
- Word Segmenting
- Letter Names
- Letter Sounds
- Nonsense Words
- Decodable Words
- Sight Words-50
- Sight Words-150
- All: Levels 1-8
- Numeral Identification-K
- Numeral Identification-1
- Composing Counting Objects
- Number Sequence-K (oral subtest - no forms)
- Number Sequence-1 (oral subtest - no forms)
- Quantity Discrimination-Least
- Quantity Discrimination-Most
- Verbal Addition (oral subtest - no forms)
- Verbal Subtraction (oral subtest - no forms)
CBMmath Process
- Grade 2 General Outcome Measure
- Grade 3 General Outcome Measure
- Grade 4 General Outcome Measure
- Grade 5 General Outcome Measure
- Grade 6 General Outcome Measure