A Words Correct Per Minute score is an estimate of a student's ability to read words quickly and accurately in order to comprehend text efficiently. This article provides an overview of what Words Correct Per Minute means in FastBridge and where it can be found.
Words Correct Per Minute data is based on a student's reading rate and comprehension. Their reading rate provides details about how efficiently the student can automatically recognize, decode, and understand each word. Students with a high level of Words Correct Per Minute demonstrate accurate decoding, automatic word recognition, and appropriate use of the rhythmic aspects of language (e.g., intonation, phrasing, pitch, and emphasis).
Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) can be interpreted based on a student's Words Correct Per Minute score on a CBMReading assessment.
Words Correct Per Minute data can be found on the following assessments:
Scores can only be assigned at one school site. Scores should transfer automatically with a student to a new school site. In the event they do not, please contact support.
Words Correct Per Minute data can be found on the following reports: