Percentile Rank provide insight on how a student scored compared to their peers. This article provides an overview of what Percentile Rank means in FastBridge and where it can be found.
Percentile Rank displays what percentage of students scored either above or below a selected student's score. Percentile Ranks provided in Fastbridge are:
- Class Percentile
- School Percentile
- District Percentile
- National Percentile
All percentiles may be different for a student. For instance, a student can have a Class Percentile rank of 75, meaning that they scored higher than 75% of their class mates but lower than 25%. At the same time, they may have a School Percentile Rank of 62, meaning they scored higher than 62% of all other student in their school who tested on the same measure, but lower than 38%.
Scores can only be assigned at one school site. Scores should transfer automatically with a student to a new school site. In the event they do not, please contact support.
Percentile Rank can be found in all assessments except DBR and Comp Efficiency. Percentile Rank is included in following assessments:
- aMath
- aReading
- AUTOreading (Composite)
- CBMreading English
- CBMMath
- earlyReading English
- earlyReading Spanish
- earlyMath
- FASTtrack Reading
- FASTtrack Math
Percentile Rank can be found in the following reports: