FastBridge allows for integration with the OneRoster API, which can help to make rostering easier, and can also provide a single sign-on solution. This lesson walks through the considerations to be made before integrating the OneRoster API, specifically pertaining to OneRoster configurations that do not utilize ClassLink or Infinite Campus.
OneRoster API Integration Requirements and Considerations
Scheduling a Time to Map Historical Data (Existing FastBridge Districts Only)
For districts that are not setting up a OneRoster API integration during onboarding to FastBridge, but are existing FastBridge districts looking to add this integration, FastBridge Support will need to schedule a mapping of historical IDs and assessment data to OneRoster Sourced IDs for students, teachers, and non-teaching staff users shared with FastBridge within OneRoster.
This mapping will need to take place outside of any screening period window to verify historical users and scores are accurately mapped to OneRoster IDs. Progress monitoring would also need to be paused during this time.
Roles that Sync from ClassLink
FastBridge can import the user roles from OneRoster:
- Administrator
- Aide
- Proctor
- Student
- Teacher
The Teacher role syncs to the FastBridge Classroom User Role, and the Student role syncs to the FastBridge Student Role. Districts can choose which, if any, FastBridge user roles sync to the Administrator, Aide, and Proctor OneRoster user roles by setting up User Role Mapping within FastBridge. If no User Role Mapping is set up, then the FastBridge Master Account Administrator, District Manager, School Manager, and Group Proctor users continue to be managed manually within FastBridge.
Users can only be shared with FastBridge with one OneRoster user role; dual OneRoster user role assignments are not supported. To learn more about FastBridge user roles, take a look at User Roles (Account Types).
FastBridge can only ingest Student Gender, Birthrate, and Race Demographics via the OneRoster API. The FastBridge MealStatus, EnglishProficiency, NativeLanguage, ServiceCode, PrimaryDisabilityType, IEPReading, IEPMath, IEPBehavior, GiftedAndTalented, Section504, and Mobility fields cannot sync from OneRoster to FastBridge.
Additionally, at this time, Student State IDs can only be imported via OneRoster API if Student State IDs are provided in the User IDs field with the formatting of {"type":"stateID", "identifier":"#######"}.
Student ID
FastBridge's OneRoster API will pull students' sourcedID to populate the StudentID field. This may be different than the value you expect for the STUDENT_ID.
SIS Requirements
The district's SIS will need to support the OneRoster v1p1 protocol with OAuth 1.0 or OAuth 2.0.
The SIS will also need to have the required fields of the FastBridge student data spec in order for student enrollments to import. See the Required Field Information in Column Order table in the Creating Your First FastBridge Student Roster document for the required fields.
SAML Single Sign-On (SSO)
The OneRoster API rostering method is compatible with SAML Single Sign On (SSO). FastBridge supports SAML v2.0 as an SSO method through Azure or Active Directory environments. The SAML Name ID for students and teachers must be set as the OneRoster SourcedID in order for SAML SSO to authenticate users in FastBridge.
Configuring a OneRoster API Connection
First, a OneRoster OAuth 1 or OAuth 2 connection must be set up within the district Student Information System.
Once this connection has been set up, Submit a Request to FastBridge Support with the Client ID, Client Secret, Base URL, and Token URL (OAuth 2 Only) that is generated to begin the setup process.
Next Steps
To learn more about setting up a OneRoster API connection via ClassLink or Infinite Campus, take a look at ClassLink (OneRoster) Integration Requirements or Infinite Campus Integration Requirements.