The information below is for FastBridge support. If you need help with Panorama Student Success or Iowa's EdPortal or you're not sure who to contact for help, see the Support Map for Users
How to Submit a FastBridge Support Request
We always recommend that you follow your district's plan for support, usually by contacting your FastBridge District Manager, first. If your district doesn't have a plan, please submit a support request in FastBridge or by emailing (which also creates a support request).
Please include as many details as possible. The more information we have, the better we can assist you! Examples of what to include for a student related issue:
- District and building name
- Student first and last name (spelling matters!)
- Teacher name
- Assessment, if applicable
- Details about the issue and what you've tried
- Screenshots are encouraged!!
Important Notes:
- Do not use the chat feature or phone support number through FastBridge, as your Iowa support team is not available via those methods. Ticket/email response time is usually quick during working hours.
- Using the 'secure' checkbox on the support request form in FastBridge will require that you log into your Zendesk support system account to see the response. We don't recommend using it unless your district policy forbids sharing student information via district email.
How to View or Respond to an Existing Support Request
To view or respond to existing support requests, or requests that have been marked as requiring login to access, log into the new support system called Zendesk. An account was automatically created for you the first time you submitted a support request. You must reset your password to access the account for the first time.
- Go to
Click Sign in in upper right of the submit a request page
- Click Forgot Password under the username & password fields
- Enter the email that you used in your original support request
- Follow directions in the resulting email to reset password
- Repeat steps 1 and 2, and enter your login credentials to access the support system