FastBridge rosters can be populated through Infinite Campus by means of Infinite Campus’s OneRoster 1.1 tool, as explained below. Note that Infinite Campus does not support FastBridge’s ABI batch import. At this time, FastBridge’s OneRoster integration - including that with Infinite Campus - is limited in the demographic data that will be sent for students to race, gender, and date of birth.
Using OneRoster in Infinite Campus
- Select System Administation.
- Choose Learning Interoperability.
- Select Add Application.
- Scroll to the bottom of the menu and select Connect to Other Applications.
- Type “FastBridge” for the new Application Name. Then select Next.
- Expand the OneRoster 1.1 Connections menu.
- Select Generate New OneRoster 1.1 Credentials.
- Copy the Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, and OneRoster Base URL.
Send the Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, and OneRoster Base URL to FastBridge support at