Note: This article was previously the list of known issues with the progress monitoring interface. Continued development has resolved the majority of the issues so the article has been converted for troubleshooting.
Progress monitoring report incorrectly displays frequency of "Weekly" even when it's not weekly
When the frequency of a PM plan is set to something other than weekly, the progress monitoring report will still show the frequency as weekly in plan summary line under the graph. Example below.
Here is the PM plan setup:
And here is how it appears on the PM report:
EarlyReading - Letter Sounds: Link to PM Form 21 but there are only 20 forms for this measure
According to FastBridge, Form 21 is actually Form 1. When a student has reached the maximum number of PM forms available for a measure, they normally start over on form #1. In some cases, such as Letter Sounds, when the system starts over on form 1, the link may be labeled as Form 21. While this can be confusing, teachers can administer this as normal, using the form 1 administrator and student materials.
Related ticket: 955447
There's no link to administer this week's PM form (teacher login)
There are a few things that can cause this, here's what to check:
- Has the PM plan end date or PM frequency been edited? If so, the system is designed not to release forms mid-week on existing plans but the next form should be available the following week. If the form link is not available the Monday after the PM plan was edited, please submit a support request.
- Is the current week marked inactive on the district's PM calendar? If so, ALL progress monitoring plans will be missing the current week. Your FAST District Manager controls this and can confirm but be aware that if the current week is marked inactive, it can't be changed.
- Is the frequency of the PM plan correct? And if it's a bi-weekly or monthly frequency, is the current week one that should have an active form? If so, please submit a support request (after confirming that the frequency hasn't been edited).
I received a message that says "We're sorry. An error occurred while processing your request." with a unique error code and "Please try again."
The message may be received when the user clicks on the PM tab, navigates to another school within the PM tab, or when submitting the student's assessment.
If you receive the above message, please submit a support request with the following:
- Confirm that you received this error
- Describe what you were attempting to do
- What you clicked immediately before receiving the error
- Name of the school
- Name of the student (if applicable)
- Name of the user (if you're submitting for someone else)
The PM monitoring date says 'overdue' but I've monitored the student this week!
This is not a system issue. The overdue label is caused by a missed week of PM. When a student misses a week of PM, the Overdue label will be removed after two additional weeks of PM, the two consecutive weeks following the missed week, have been completed. |
Here is an example: Johnny missed PM last week so now I see the Overdue label. This week collect PM data but the Overdue label will remain. Next week I will PM and the Overdue label will disappear.
Known issues with progress monitoring materials
Student is missing from progress monitoring list
PM plan is inactive
Troubleshooting missing PM scores