The FastBridge Screening to Intervention Report for Math (s2i-M) provides recommendations for what type of instruction is needed by an entire class as well as for individual students. The instruction plans use data from specific FastBridge assessments that comprise FASTtrack Math. The combined data from the FASTtrack Math assessments provide details about students’ math skills in three key areas: (a) numbers, (b) operations, and (c) general math. The instruction plans recommended for an entire class and individual students identify which of the three skill areas is the best focus for instruction. The math instruction plans recommended for individual students will generally match the grade level of the class, but with an intervention focus on the basic skills the student still needs to learn.
There are 31 different math instruction plans. They are numbered to reflect a developmental progression of math skills. The plan numbers start at 0.1 and continue through 12.3, with one additional plan for students whose scores indicate that they are on track with math development and do not need intervention. Although the math instruction plan numbers appear to align with grade levels (i.e., 0 = kindergarten through 12 = grade 12) these numbers do not actually match grade-level content and standards. Instead, the numbers reflect a general skill progression that includes acquiring number sense first, followed by operations, and finally more advanced skills such as rational numbers, geometry and measurement, algebraic thinking, and basic statistics (i.e., general math).
Math Instruction Plan Numbers
The numbers assigned to each math instruction plan indicate its specific instructional focus.
The first number is the position of the plan along a continuum from 0.1 through 12.3. Although it is tempting to interpret the math plan numbers as grade levels, they are not. This is because all but one of the plans are designed to offer remedial instruction. The exception is the plan for students who are “on track” and meeting grade-level performance expectations. Thus, the first number indicates where in the math skill progression that particular plan is situated, with lower numbers indicating early numeracy acquisition, and higher numbers reflecting more advanced math skills. The second number in each plan indicates the plan’s focus areas as follows:
- Number and Operations
- Operations
- General Math
Here is an example of how the numbers and plan names are displayed in the Screening to Intervention Report.
For example, the following plan numbers indicate the instructional focus of each referenced plan.
- Plan 1.1: Number and Operations
- Plan 3.2: Operations
- Plan 5.3: General Math
The lower plan numbers (e.g., 0.1 through 3.3) focus more on numbers and operations, and the higher plan numbers transition to more focus on general math skills. Importantly, the key skill areas indicated in the second part of each plan are included in plans with both beginning level and advanced focus. For example, Plan 3.1 focuses on Numbers and Operations.
Starting with plans at level 4, there are only two levels, numbered 4 and 4.3, etc. This is because the focus of instruction at levels 4 and above is either Number and Operations or General Math. Importantly, the plans can be used with students of any grade who need to learn the skills included in that plan. Once a student reaches a goal associated with the first instruction plan, the teacher can use the next instruction plan to guide additional support. The math instruction plans are sequenced such that they progress vertically and then horizontally. For example, a student would progress from 1.1 to 1.2., then 1.3 before moving on to 2.1. The following graphic depicts a sample math instruction plan progression and sequence, with the student starting on Plan 1.1.
The following table includes the numbers and descriptions of all of the plans. The information in this table is also found in the linked PDF file at the bottom of this article.
FastBridge Math Instruction Plan Numbers, Names, and Descriptions
Number |
Name |
Description |
0.1 |
Number & Operations |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on Numbers and Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the PreK and Early Kindergarten levels. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction promotes Number skills to (a) Read, recognize, and write number symbols or names to 20. Instruction also promotes Operations skills to (a) Know number names and number sequence (forward to 20, backward from 10); (b) Count forward from a given number without having to start at 1; (c) Count to tell the number of objects; can compare two numbers and tell which is bigger/smaller; and (d) Understand that adding is “putting together” and subtracting is “taking from.” |
0.2 |
Number & Operations |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on Numbers and Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the Early to Middle Kindergarten levels. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction promotes Number skills to (a) Read, recognize, and write number symbols or names greater than 20; (b) Understand that while counting, the next number has a quantity of one more; the previous number one less, and (c) Compose and decompose numbers 11 through 19 into tens and ones to gain a foundation for place value. Instruction also promotes Operations skills to (a) Know number names and number sequence (first to 31, then to 100, by ones and tens, and from a given number); (b) Count to answer “how many” questions; (c) Compare numbers of objects, including quantities represented by two written numerals; (d) Compose and decompose numbers less than or equal to 10 into pairs in multiple ways; record with a drawing or equation; (e) Apply number concepts and whole number operations to solve concrete, real-world problems. |
0.3 |
General Math |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on General Math skills in multiple math domains. This instructional focus for this plan is generally consistent with On Track performance at the Mid-fall Kindergarten to Late Kindergarten level, and sometimes Early Kindergarten. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction promotes Geometry and Measurement skills to (a) Work with shapes by analyzing, comparing, creating, and composing; and (b) Classify objects into categories; count the number of objects in each category. Refer to your school’s grade-level curriculum and standards for additional guidance and instructional targets. |
1.1 |
Number & Operations |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on Numbers and Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the Early to Middle first-grade level. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction promotes Number skills to understand base-10 (place value; that 2-digit numbers represent 10s and 1s; decade numbers). Instruction also promotes Operations skills to (a) Extend the counting sequence to 120 and above, including reading and writing number symbols and names; (b) Add and subtract within 20; and (c) Work with addition and subtraction equations and problems using properties of operations and relating addition to subtraction. The initial focus should promote accuracy and then progress to automaticity and fluency. |
1.2 |
Number & Operations |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the Middle to Late first-grade levels. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction promotes Operations skills to Whole Numbers: (a) Use place value and properties of operations to add and subtract; (b) Apply number and operations concepts and skills to represent and solve addition and subtraction equations and problems. The initial focus should promote accuracy and then progress to automaticity and fluency. Instruction promotes Automaticity and Fluency to add and subtract within 20 and higher. |
1.3 |
General Math |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on General Math skills in multiple math domains. The instructional focus for this plan is generally consistent with On Track performance at the Middle to Late first-grade levels. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction promotes General Math skills in Geometry and Measurement to (a) Reason with shapes and their attributes (build and draw shapes, partition shapes into 2 and 4 equal shapes, and describe using the language of “halves,” “wholes,” “fourths”); (b) Measure lengths indirectly (comparing to another length object) or by repeated length units; represent length as a whole number; and (c) Tell and write time (hours and half-hours using digital and analog clocks). Instruction also promotes skills in Data, Statistics, and Probability to represent data by categorizing and comparing the number of items in different categories. Refer to your school’s grade-level curriculum and standards for additional guidance and instructional targets. |
2.1 |
Number & Operations |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on Numbers and Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the Early to Middle second-grade level. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction promotes Number skills to (a) Understand place value applied to larger numbers up to 1,000. Instruction also promotes Operations skills to (a) Count to 1,000 (also skip count by fives, tens, and hundreds; read and write number symbols and names, and use expanded form); (b) Represent and solve one- and two-step addition and subtraction word problems within 100 (some involving time, money, length); (c) Add and subtract within 1,000; and (d) Build a foundation for understanding multiplication. Instruction also promotes Rational Numbers skills to develop early fraction concepts: understand and describe equal portions of whole numbers using the language of fractions. The initial focus should promote accuracy and then progress to automaticity and fluency. |
2.2 |
Operations |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the Middle to Late second-grade levels. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction promotes Operation skills to (a) Develop automaticity with early fraction concepts, including using the language of fractions; (b) Know all sums of one-digit numbers from memory, and quickly use them to compute; and (c) Fluently add and subtract within 100. The initial focus should promote accuracy and then progress to automaticity and fluency. |
2.3 |
General Math |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on General Math skills in multiple math domains. The instructional focus for this plan is generally consistent with On Track performance at the Middle to Late second-grade levels. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction promotes General Math skills in Geometry and Measurement to (a) Reason with shapes and their attributes; (b) Measure and estimate lengths in standard units (inches, feet, centimeters, meters); (c) Represent whole numbers within 100 as lengths on a number line; (d) Work with time and money; and (e) Solve problems using measurement involving time, money, and length. Instruction also promotes skills in Data, Statistics, and Probability to collect, represent (pictographs, bar graphs), and interpret data. Refer to your school’s grade-level curriculum and standards for additional guidance and instructional targets. |
3.1 |
Number & Operations |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on Numbers and Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the Early to Middle third-grade level. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction promotes Number skills to (a) Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division; (b) Understand concepts of the area; relate to addition and multiplication; and (c) Understand the concept of the perimeter; distinguish from area measures. Instruction also promotes Operations in Whole Number skills to (a) Use place value to understand and describe properties of operations to solve multi-digit problems within 1,000; (b) Solve word problems (including two-step) using all four operations, and multiplication and division within 100; (c) Use a letter for an unknown quantity, and identify and explain arithmetic patterns; and (d) Memorize all products of two single-digit numbers. This plan also promotes skills with Rational Numbers to understand fractions as numbers. The initial focus should promote accuracy and then progress to automaticity and fluency. |
3.2 |
Operations |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the Middle to Late third-grade levels. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction promotes Operation skills to automatically and fluently multiply and divide within 100 by using mental strategies. The initial focus should promote accuracy and then progress to automaticity and fluency. |
3.3 |
General Math |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on General Math skills in multiple math domains. The instructional focus for this plan is generally consistent with On Track performance at the Middle to Late third-grade levels. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction promotes General Math skills in Geometry and Measurement to (a) Reason with shapes and their attributes; (b) Solve problems involving perimeters and areas; and (c) Solve problems using measurement and estimation of liquid volumes, masses, and time intervals. Instruction also promotes skills in Data, Statistics, and Probability to collect, represent (pictographs, bar graphs), and interpret data. Refer to your school’s grade-level curriculum and standards for additional guidance and instructional targets. |
4 |
Number & Operations |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on both Numbers and Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the fourth and fifth-grade levels. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction promotes Number skills to generalize understanding of place value to solve problems with multi-digit numbers as well as use Rational Number skills (fractions and decimals). In addition, this plan promotes Operations skills for Whole and Rational Numbers as well as introductory Algebra skills related to expressions, patterns, and relationships. The initial focus should promote accuracy and then progress to automaticity and fluency. |
4.3 |
General Math |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the Middle to Late fourth and fifth-grade levels. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction promotes General Math in Geometry and Measurement skills to (a) Solve measurement problems that involve and require conversion (e.g., from larger to smaller units, decimals, fractions); (b) Understand concepts of volume and relate to multiplication and division; (c) Identify and draw lines and angles and classify two-dimensional figures according to their line and angle attributes; and (d) Graph coordinate pairs in the context of real and mathematical problems. This plan also promotes the use of Data, Statistics, and Probability skills to represent and interpret data involving fractions and line plots. Refer to your school’s grade-level curriculum and standards for additional guidance and instructional targets. |
5 |
Number & Operations |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on both Numbers and Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the fourth and fifth-grade levels. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction promotes Number skills to generalize understanding of place value to solve problems with multi-digit numbers as well as use Rational Number skills (fractions and decimals). In addition, this plan promotes Operations skills for Whole and Rational Numbers as well as introductory Algebra skills related to expressions, patterns, and relationships. The initial focus should promote accuracy and then progress to automaticity and fluency. |
5.3 |
General Math |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the Middle to Late fourth and fifth-grade levels. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction promotes General Math in Geometry and Measurement skills to (a) Solve measurement problems that involve and require conversion (e.g., from larger to smaller units, decimals, fractions); (b) Understand concepts of volume and relate to multiplication and division; (c) Identify and draw lines and angles and classify two-dimensional figures according to their line and angle attributes; and (d) Graph coordinate pairs in the context of real and mathematical problems. This plan also promotes the use of Data, Statistics, and Probability skills to represent and interpret data involving fractions and line plots. Refer to your school’s grade-level curriculum and standards for additional guidance and instructional targets. |
6 |
Number & Operations |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on both Numbers and Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the sixth to eighth-grade levels. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction extends Number skills to the system of all rational numbers, including negative numbers. Instruction also promotes Operations in Whole and Rational Number skills related to proportional relationships and problem-solving, including Algebra skills for solving expressions and equations, modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear expression, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations. This plan introduces the concept of a function and the use of functions to describe quantitative relationships. The initial focus should promote accuracy and then progress to automaticity and fluency. |
6.3 |
General Math |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the sixth to eighth-grade levels. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction promotes General Math skills in Geometry and Measurement to (a) Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, surface area, and volume (including that of cubes, cylinders, cones, and spheres); (b) Understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometric software; and (c) Understand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem. This plan also promotes the use of Data, Statistics, and Probability skills to (a) Develop an understanding of statistical thinking, including drawing inferences about populations based on samples; and (b) Investigate chance processes; develop, use, and evaluate probability models. Refer to your school’s grade-level curriculum and standards for additional guidance and instructional targets. |
7 |
Number & Operations |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on both Numbers and Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the sixth to eighth-grade levels. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction extends Number skills to the system of all rational numbers, including negative numbers. Instruction also promotes Operations in Whole and Rational Number skills related to proportional relationships and problem-solving, including Algebra skills for solving expressions and equations, modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear expression, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations. This plan introduces the concept of a function and the use of functions to describe quantitative relationships. The initial focus should promote accuracy and then progress to automaticity and fluency. |
7.3 |
General Math |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the sixth to eighth-grade levels. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction promotes General Math skills in Geometry and Measurement to (a) Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, surface area, and volume (including that of cubes, cylinders, cones, and spheres); (b) Understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometric software; and (c) Understand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem. This plan also promotes the use of Data, Statistics, and Probability skills to (a) Develop an understanding of statistical thinking, including drawing inferences about populations based on samples; and (b) Investigate chance processes; develop, use, and evaluate probability models. Refer to your school’s grade-level curriculum and standards for additional guidance and instructional targets. |
8 |
Number & Operations |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on both Numbers and Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the sixth to eighth-grade levels. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction extends Number skills to the system of all rational numbers, including negative numbers. Instruction also promotes Operations in Whole and Rational Number skills related to proportional relationships and problem-solving, including Algebra skills for solving expressions and equations, modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear expression, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations. This plan introduces the concept of a function and the use of functions to describe quantitative relationships. The initial focus should promote accuracy and then progress to automaticity and fluency. |
8.3 |
General Math |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the sixth to eighth-grade levels. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction promotes General Math skills in Geometry and Measurement to (a) Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, surface area, and volume (including that of cubes, cylinders, cones, and spheres); (b) Understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometric software; and (c) Understand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem. This plan also promotes the use of Data, Statistics, and Probability skills to (a) Develop an understanding of statistical thinking, including drawing inferences about populations based on samples; and (b) Investigate chance processes; develop, use, and evaluate probability models. Refer to your school’s grade-level curriculum and standards for additional guidance and instructional targets. |
9 |
Number & Operations |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on both Numbers and Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the sixth to eighth-grade levels. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction promotes fluency with Number skills that include complex numbers, vectors, and matrix quantities as well as the properties of irrational numbers. This plan also promotes Operations in Whole and Rational Number skills for operations involving complex numbers, vectors and matrices, and polynomials, and rational exponents. The plan extends Algebra skills for solving expressions, equations, and inequalities and using functions to model relationships, compare models, and solve problems. |
9.3 |
General Math |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the ninth to twelfth-grade levels. The focus of instruction promotes General Math skills in Geometry and Measurement to (a) Extend and apply knowledge of geometry and measurement to address real-world problems; and (b) Understand and apply properties of transformations, similarity, right triangles, trigonometry, and circles. This plan also promotes the use of skills in Data, Statistics, and Probability to (a) Extend and apply knowledge of statistics to address real-world problems; (b) Make inferences and justify conclusions to interpret categorical and quantitative data; and (c) Understand and apply rules of probability and statistical modeling to make decisions. Refer to your school’s grade-level curriculum and standards for additional guidance and instructional targets. |
10 |
Number & Operations |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on both Numbers and Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the sixth to eighth-grade levels. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction promotes fluency with Number skills that include complex numbers, vectors, and matrix quantities as well as the properties of irrational numbers. This plan also promotes Operations in Whole and Rational Number skills for operations involving complex numbers, vectors and matrices, polynomials, and rational exponents. The plan extends Algebra skills for solving expressions, equations, and inequalities and using functions to model relationships, compare models, and solve problems. |
10.3 |
General Math |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the ninth to twelfth-grade levels. The focus of instruction promotes General Math skills in Geometry and Measurement to (a) Extend and apply knowledge of geometry and measurement to address real-world problems; and (b) Understand and apply properties of transformations, similarity, right triangles, trigonometry, and circles. This plan also promotes the use of skills in Data, Statistics, and Probability to (a) Extend and apply knowledge of statistics to address real-world problems; (b) Make inferences and justify conclusions to interpret categorical and quantitative data; and (c) Understand and apply rules of probability and statistical modeling to make decisions. Refer to your school’s grade-level curriculum and standards for additional guidance and instructional targets. |
11 |
Number & Operations |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on both Numbers and Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the sixth to eighth-grade levels. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction promotes fluency with Number skills that include complex numbers, vectors, and matrix quantities as well as the properties of irrational numbers. This plan also promotes Operations in Whole and Rational Number skills for operations involving complex numbers, vectors and matrices, polynomials, and rational exponents. The plan extends Algebra skills for solving expressions, equations, and inequalities and using functions to model relationships, compare models, and solve problems. |
11.3 |
General Math |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the ninth to twelfth-grade levels. The focus of instruction promotes General Math skills in Geometry and Measurement to (a) Extend and apply knowledge of geometry and measurement to address real-world problems; and (b) Understand and apply properties of transformations, similarity, right triangles, trigonometry, and circles. This plan also promotes the use of skills in Data, Statistics, and Probability to (a) Extend and apply knowledge of statistics to address real-world problems; (b) Make inferences and justify conclusions to interpret categorical and quantitative data; and (c) Understand and apply rules of probability and statistical modeling to make decisions. Refer to your school’s grade-level curriculum and standards for additional guidance and instructional targets. |
12 |
Number & Operations |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on both Numbers and Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the sixth to eighth-grade levels. Students in later grades who are at some or high risk for math difficulties may also benefit from this plan. The focus of instruction promotes fluency with Number skills that include complex numbers, vectors, and matrix quantities as well as the properties of irrational numbers. This plan also promotes Operations in Whole and Rational Number skills for operations involving complex numbers, vectors and matrices, polynomials, and rational exponents. The plan extends Algebra skills for solving expressions, equations, and inequalities and using functions to model relationships, compare models, and solve problems. |
12.3 |
General Math |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when there is a need for supplemental instruction with a focus on Operations. This instructional focus is generally consistent with On Track performance at the ninth to twelfth-grade levels. The focus of instruction promotes General Math skills in Geometry and Measurement to (a) Extend and apply knowledge of geometry and measurement to address real-world problems; and (b) Understand and apply properties of transformations, similarity, right triangles, trigonometry, and circles. This plan also promotes the use of skills in Data, Statistics, and Probability to (a) Extend and apply knowledge of statistics to address real-world problems; (b) Make inferences and justify conclusions to interpret categorical and quantitative data; and (c) Understand and apply rules of probability and statistical modeling to make decisions. Refer to your school’s grade-level curriculum and standards for additional guidance and instructional targets. |
NA |
On Track |
Based on screening data, this plan is recommended when results indicate that regular core instruction meets the needs of this student. Continue to provide high-quality whole-group instruction. This should include instruction and practice in Numbers, Operations, and General Math domains so that this student’s math skills are accurate, automatic, and fluent, and the student can generalize their skills to a variety of math areas. |