There are two reasons why a Progress Monitoring plan appears on the Inactive list:
- The student was released
- The plan end date is past
The label listed under Monitoring Date on the Progress Monitoring list, will tell you why the plan is inactive.
Someone in the district with access to the student released the student from the Progress Monitoring plan. This plan can't be restored. Once a student is released from the plan, it is permanent. A new plan will need to be created.
When you recreate the Progress Monitoring plans, set the start date as the current week and select the next consecutive start form number to pick up where the previous Progress Monitoring plan left off. It's a drop-down field titled Starting Form on the Monitoring Schedule setup page. This will allow the new plan to continue where the previous plan ended and the previous data to smoothly integrate into the Progress Monitoring Report.
Today's date is past the End Date entered in the plan setup. They can be re-activated; go into the inactive PM plan and edit the end date of the plan (to the end of the school year) to make it 'active' again. Note: probes are uploaded into FastBridge on Sundays; any changes made during the week will not show up until the following scheduled Sunday. Visit Creating and Editing a New Progress Monitoring Form for more information.