After a roster file is uploaded via manual upload or an automated roster sync via Automated Batch Import, Clever, DnA, or One Roster. FastBridge performs data validation to verify the roster data provided matches the expected format.
Master Account Administrators and District Managers can view the results of the validation process by navigating to Student Info > Upload Student Roster where validation results appear in the Review Validation Result table.
Roster Validation
After uploading a roster file, take note of the Validation Status and Upload Status Columns.
- A green check mark in the Validation Status column means formatting and contents of the file is clear of issues. From here, if manually rostering, select the Add to Upload Queue button. Districts that roster via Automated Batch Import, Clever, DnA, or One Roster do not need to select the Add to Upload Queue button.
- Seeing a, "Validation Result" and Validation summary," link in the Validation Status column means there may be problems with the roster file uploaded.
- Selecting the "Validation Summary" link will open a pop up that lists a summary of potential problems with the file.
- Selecting the "Validation Result" link will prompt a download of a csv file that lists potential problems with the file by row.
- Errors, changes, and other alerts are indicated on the Upload Result file by row number. Add 1 to the row number in the validation report to find the corresponding row in the csv file. For example: Row 53 in the validation result will be Row 54 on the spreadsheet.
How to Easily View Validation Issues
- Download the Validation Result csv file.
- Open the file.
- From the top menu of Excel, select the View Tab.
- From the view tab, select, “Freeze Top Row.”
- Select Column A Alert Type, select the Data tab, and select the option to sort sheet Z to A.
- This will move any row with a potential issue to the top of the sheet.
Alert Types
Eight types of alerts could be listed in the Validation/Upload Result:
- Missing/Invalid Headers - The validation process will look for correct headers before errors, change notices, or other issues. If missing or invalid headers are detected, the validation process stops and does not look for errors, change notices, or other issues until the header issues are resolved and a revised file is uploaded. If rostering via Clever or Automated Batch Import with PowerSchool, extra columns of data are sent on the roster file, triggering the error message. However, this does not prevent a Clever roster from uploading.
- Roster file uploads must contain all column headers, even for non-required fields, in a specific order.
- Comma-separated list of column names in the required order:
- State, SchoolDistrict, School, Grade, Course, Section, studentID, StudentStateID, StudentFirstName, StudentLastName, TeacherID, TeacherFirstName, TeacherlastName, TeacherEmail, StudentGender, StudentBirthDate, StudentRace, MealStatus, EnglishProficiency, NativeLanguage, ServiceCode, PrimaryDisabilityType, IEPReading, IEPMath, IEPBehavior, GiftedAndTalented, Section504, Mobility
- See Roster Formatting for more information on accepted values of each column.
- Errors - Rows marked with the Error Alert Type have an error in one of the required columns. Any row with an error will be omitted from the upload. If student enrollments are missing in the FastBridge roster, then, it is very likely that there was an error in the row of the roster file that prevented the enrollment(s) from being uploaded. The Alert Description will explain the issue for any row flagged with an Error.
- Change Notices - Change notices are an alert that the upload will change something about the respective existing student record. Please verify that this is a change you want to occur. Changes generally consist of spelling corrections or demographic changes to the existing student record, but would also include a change to the student's name. Please notify FastBridge Support of any unintended change to the student's name.
- Switch School - Switch School alerts indicate the upload will enroll the student at a new school in FastBridge and their scores will be transferred to the new school.
- Note: Switching schools of a student can only be done through a roster upload or by manually editing the student's roster entry. Deleting the enrollment of a student from one school, and then adding the student to a new school, will result in a brand new enrollment which will not transfer the student's data.
- Important note: If you see unintended switch school alerts, correct the school on the file and re-upload it. For districts rostering via Automated Batch Import, Clever, DnA, or One Roster, the school should be updated in your SIS to allow the appropriate school assignment to sync to FastBridge via the next nightly sync.
- Duplicate Student Records - This alert type occurs when an enrollment record on a roster file contains a Student ID that is assigned to an existing student record for your district with a different first or last name. This can happen when a student has a name change, a different name is used on the roster file than previously used (ex full name versus nickname), or when a new student has been given a Student ID number that was previously used by a different student.
- Important note: If you see unintended name change alerts, correct the file and re-upload it (manual rostering districts only). Otherwise, please contact FastBridge Support to resolve Duplicate Student Record issues.
- Empty Line - The Empty Line alert indicates there is, or are, empty rows somewhere within the roster file. Empty rows will not prevent a roster file from uploading and these rows will be skipped in the roster upload process.
- Teacher ID Errors - This alert type occurs when an existing teacher name & email address combination are listed on a row of the roster file with a new Teacher ID.
To resolve the issue:
- Open the Staff Reconciliation link.
- Review the list of teachers that were listed on the roster file with new Teacher ID’s.
- If the changes are correct, check the box to the left of each teacher, and select the Keep New IDs button.
- If the change(s) are unintentional, correct the TeacherID on the file and re-upload it. For districts rostering via Automated Batch Import, Clever, DnA, or One Roster, the TeacherID should be updated in your SIS to allow the appropriate school assignment to sync to FastBridge via the next nightly sync.
- Leading 0 Errors - This alter type occurs when a Student ID does not match what is already in FastBridge. This error is frequently generated when a Student ID is missing a single number, like a leading "0", or where the ID has a leading "0", but the existing student record in FastBridge does not. Any row with a Leading 0 Error will be skipped during a roster upload.
- If you see unintended Leading 0 Errors, contact FastBridge Support to resolve Leading 0 Errors issues. For districts rostering via Automated Batch Import, Clever, DnA, or One Roster, the Leading 0 Errors should be resolved within your SIS to allow the appropriate StudentID to sync to FastBridge via the next nightly sync.
- If the Leading 0 Error is an intentional update, please see the Editing an Existing Student section of the Manually Editing the Roster Knowledge Base Article (manual rostering districts only). Districts rostering via Automated Batch Import, Clever, DnA, or One Roster should contact FastBridge Support to resolve intentional Leading 0 Errors.
Roster File Revisions after Validation
If changes are made to the csv file after the validation step, the file must be re-uploaded and re-validated to resolve the issues (manual rostering districts only). Districts rostering via Automated Batch Import, Clever, DnA, or One Roster should resolve the issue(s) within their SIS so that the updates will process in the next nightly sync to FastBridge.
Common Errors
School does not exist in the district
- The school name does not match how the school is named in FastBridge. The school names must match exactly.
District does not exist in the state
- The district name does not match how the district is named in FastBridge. The district name must match exactly.
Invalid input for teacher email
- The corresponding Teacher ID does not match how it is listed in FastBridge for an existing teacher. Look up the Classroom User account for this teacher and change either the existing ID or the one in your upload, so they match.
- A new teacher is listed on the roster file with an email address that matches the existing email address of a user already in FastBridge. Most likely this is an existing account for the same person. To resolve the issue, either change the email address in the roster file upload or change the user ID with the corresponding email address.
- The field is blank.
Invalid Input for TeacherID, TeacherFirstName or TeacherLastName
- The field is blank. All four fields related to a teacher are required. You can not list a student in your roster without a corresponding teacher.
Student Birth Date is not valid
- This error is caused by incorrect formatting of the student’s birth date. Birth dates must be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.