This article is only applicable to districts that are currently set up to roster FastBridge through a third-party integration. (DnA, Clever, OneRoster/ClassLink, ABI)
The roster sync is turned off by Illuminate staff prior to rollover. After your rollover date has occurred and you have your new school year roster available and ready to sync, follow the steps outlined below.
Do not change the SIS Sync Enabled to “YES” until you have verified your student roster has been rolled over in your SIS and is ready to be pulled into FastBridge for the new school year. Syncing a roster from the previous school year after your FastBridge instance has rolled over will impact your Student Data Download report. Please reach out to before moving on if you have any questions about this step!
- The Sync Enabled setting is located in District Preferences > District Properties. Only MAA and DM level users have access to this page.
- The sync is off when SIS Sync Enabled is set to “NO”. To turn on your roster sync, use the SIS Sync Enabled drop-down menu to select “YES”.
- Select Save & Submit to save your changes.
No changes need to be made to the SSO Enabled field, this field will remain set to “Yes” if your district is set up for SSO.