This article serves to provide districts with a better understanding of the interplay between roster uploads, the Manage Student Access menu, and how this functionality impacts universal screening and progress monitoring for the school year.
Why does my student not have available assessments when they log in?
There are several reasons why students may not have available assessments. For instance, the student may not have an account configured for them, assessments may not have been added to the access list, they may be logging in outside of the chosen accessibility times/dates, or they are using a device outside of the IP Address. Take a look at Setting Up Student Login Access to learn more.
What type of assessment can be controlled by the Manage Student Access functionality?
This applies to the below computer-based assessments for both universal screening and progress monitoring:
- aReading
- aMath
- COMPefficiency
- AUTOreading
- CBMmath Automaticity
- CBMmath CAP
Does the Manage Student Access Page automatically update?
The Manage Student access page is automatically configured with the first roster upload. It will default to all computer-based assessments that have been enabled for the school/district, and the date range will be from the start of the first screening period to the end of the last screening period. Changes can be made if necessary for your school/district.
If assessments are added after the first Roster Upload, the district will need to enable these assessments manually. Take a look at Setting Up Student Login Access to learn more.